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Fwd: [open-government-nyc:338] I'll be in NYC on Monday, March 29

From: user 3.
Sent on: Friday, March 12, 2010, 4:46 PM
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steven Clift <[address removed]>
To: Open Government NYC <[address removed]>

Hey all, I after Transparency Camp in DC March 27-28, I am heading up
to New York City (anyone driving, I could use a lift and potentially a
place to stay) to meet with the Ford Foundation. (They are funding
this: )

I'd like to connect with a group of open government and tech advocates
over brunch or lunch perhaps on Monday, March 29. Topic: What is so
important online in local democracy that it should be universal to all
communities? (And how do we get there.)

Anyone game to help organize something?

This is me:
I run:
And we host the online group for:
I share via: and

Steven Clift

People in this
group are also in: