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New location in Lynnwood (SE)!! and request for input

From: user 3.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 1:16 PM
Hi everybody,

I have been in contact with the owner of Trilogy Games in Lynnwood and he is very excited about sharing some boardgaming space with us. He asked me to contact the group about a monthly event at his store.

Specifically, he would like to know how many members, on average, would be able to make it to the Trilogy Gaming meetup and which days/times are preferable. So far, he would like to have a 4-6 hour time slot on Sunday afternoons once a month.

If possible, I would like some responses from you letting me know of your availability and whether this would be a good time for you. Any suggestions are welcome and I will make sure to pass along the information to him.

This location is in the SE for those of us who used to make it to the Superstore location down in Deerfoot Meadows. Lynnwood is on the East side of Deerfoot and Glenmore so it is almost the same place as the old Superstore location.

Thanks again for your time!

Take care and happy gaming.

p.s. Any replies to the mailing list's email will be sent to me, so please don't hesitate to reply.

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