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A Crash Course in HTML5 & an Introduction to Processing.js.

From: Marsh S.
Sent on: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 7:46 PM
Our June JavaScript Meetup will be held on Thursday, June 11th at 6 PM at Microsoft Research Center located at One Memorial Drive in Cambridge. You should come to the 2nd floor conference room. There is also parking available at a cheap evening rate in the building.

Alistair McDonald will be providing a Crash Course in HTML5 & an Introduction to Processing.js.

Mozilla are about to release the <audio> and <video> tags over the next couple of weeks in Firefox 3.5. Christopher Blizzard from Mozilla asked Al to create a couple of Javascript demos for the release project ("35 Days"). He thought it would be fun to show the group what he's been doing and give members a basic starter on how to access the new media capabilities of the browser with Javascript. (As well as demonstrate how easy it is to make interactive visualizations with Processing.js.)

To give you more info on what Processing.js can do, here is a preview: http://www.hyper-metr...

Or take a look at some of Al's Processing.js experiments here, remember this is all Javascript. No Flash: http://www.hyper-metr....

After the presentation | demonstration, we will go around the room introducing ourselves and asking the group for advice | opinions on any JavaScript-related issues members are facing.

Microsoft will provide pizza again. What a nice company!

Please RSVP and bring guests. We always have lots of pizza left over.

Marsh Sutherland
Walden Recruiting
We're not like the other agencies...
Come see why at

(877) 8 WALDEN Ext 2

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