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New Meetup: SHOW n' TELL night...

From: Michael P B.
Sent on: Friday, November 13, 2009, 11:55 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Boston PHP Meetup!

What: SHOW n' TELL night...

When: December 2,[masked]:00 PM

10 Milk Street 11th floor
Boston, MA 02109

Come share your experiences with PHP and other technologies and show us how you have applied it to your projects.

This is your chance to come up to the podium and have 15 minutes to present what interesting things you have done. Please - no powerpoint. Just demo your cool stuff, have fun, and answer questions.

We have done this in the past and it was a huge success and a lot of fun. It's really amazing to see hwat others are doing. Sharpen your presentation skills and show off the cool innovations your working on.

Please send me a note and let me know your interested in doing a show and tell. Remember you don't really need to prepare a presentation. Just show or demo something interesting you have done with PHP and other technology.

Learn more here:

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