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What we’re about

Introversion is a personality disposition characterized by a preference toward one's inner life, thoughts, and emotions. One of the most commonly reported experiences of introverts is the drain of their mental energy in busy social settings. Introverts can also be characterized as less motivated by external stimuli, social rewards and acknowledgement. As such, they often prefer less stimulating and smaller social environments. 


Given how introversion is devalued and stigmatized in a culture that focusses on public spectacle and social sharing, many individuals are hesitant to identify as introverts. Yet introverts can and do succeed in almost every role in society. This includes teachers, athletes, business and medical professionals, authors, artists, musicians, and even actors and comedians. 


As with other personality traits such as openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and resilience, introversion is expressed along a continuum in the human population. As such, it can be difficult to say what percentage of the general population have a disposition toward introversion. Estimates vary but introversion likely characterizes around 40 percent of the population. The popular Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment identifies closer to 50% of the world population tending toward introversion. Slightly more males than females prefer introversion. 

This group will attempt to facilitate regular opportunities to gather with other introverts in comfortable, low-stress environments to interact, to be social, to make new friends, and build friendships. 

Also, though it is a "social" group, it is not a singles group, or a dating group. We welcome individuals regardless of relationship status. We all need connection with people we can relate with. We have meetups geared for "quieter" activities, like museum visits, discussion groups, dinner meetups, walks, and day hikes too.

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