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New Meetup: Five on Food #2

From: Elizabeth
Sent on: Friday, June 4, 2010, 6:10 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for food+tech!

What: Five on Food #2

When: Tuesday, June 15,[masked]:30 PM

Jimmy's No. 43
43 E. 7th Street
New York, NY 10003

We are excited to announce our second Five on Food the evening of Tuesday, June 15. Once again, we will hear from five Food+Tech members about how they view the potential for information technology to positively influence food systems, how they define the intersection of food and tech, and how they weave these two areas together in their work. Last month's get together sparked a lot of good conversations and connections, so get ready to hear about some exciting projects.

We are grateful to Jimmy's No. 43 for hosting us again this month. Come on down, grab a beer, and get to know your fellow Food+Tech members! I look forward to seeing many of you again and to meeting those of you who couldn't be at the last meetup.


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