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Re: [gnocode] Meetup Cancelled: August gnocode Monthly Meetup

From: Ed F.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 1:44 PM
Second meetup where I've had a Thursday night available in the months I've been a member and it's cancelled. Bummer. On the bright side, I'd like to recommend Learn You A Haskell if you read the chapter on haskell in SLISW and found FP absolutely fascinating. I actually have the print copy of LYAH (along with stickers and other goodies for being part of the preorder) so I'll see about bringing it to the next couple of meetups if everyone would be interested in that. I'll even bring some of my famous mango cheesecake to get the ball rolling again. Take care errbody.

On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Barrett Conrad <[address removed]> wrote:

Hello all,

Unfortunately tonight's gnocode is cancelled. I can't make it and there is no one available to open and close LaunchPad. I think it's the first time in our two years I've had to do it and on our second birthday none the less. 


On the bright side, next month should be great when we discuss the first three languages--Ruby, Io, and Prolog--from our book club selection 'Seven Languages in Seven Weeks'. Hopefully we can follow up in October with the other four languages--Scala, Erlang, Clojure and Haskell.

If you haven't joined us for book club yet, there is still time. Grab the book and use the discount code 'gnocode_seven' before it expires on August 31st. Then join the Google Group.


See you next month.

Barrett M. Conrad

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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