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Ignite Fort Collins #4 Tix on sale TOMORROW: THURSDAY 2/18

From: Ron Z.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 2:15 PM
Event: Ignite Fort Collins #4

Date: Thursday, March 4 from 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (MT)

Drake Centre
802 West Drake Road
Fort Collins, CO 80526

Get your tickets at 9:25 AM on Thursday Feb 18 here: Ignite Fort Collins #4 Tickets

New! Mini- and Micro-sponsors: When you select your tickets, you'll see that you have the choice to be a mini-sponsor of Ignite Fort Collins for $10 or a micro-sponsor for $5. There will of course be plenty of Free tickets as always. If you'd like to help support the event, this is an easy and conveient way to do so. Interested in more info? Read all the details.

Global Ignite Week: The Fort Collins Ignite event on March 4 is part of the first ever Global Ignite Week (GIW) - 60 cities on 6 continents will be holding Ignite events the same week. Very exciting! More info here:

On March 4, in addition to Ignite Fort Collins, the following cities will also be holding Ignite events: Salt Lake City, Baltimore, Tulsa, Boston, Lyon - France, Ann Arbor, Iowa City, Manila - Philippines, Tampa Bay, Brisbane - Australia, and Bristol - UK.

Come join us!

Ron and Laurie

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