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Thank you for your Feedback

From: Farida S.
Sent on: Thursday, August 29, 2013, 11:49 AM
Dear GHACians,

It is close to 3 months since we launched the Feedback System at GHAC and we are glad to inform you that the response has been good.  We thank all of you who have taken the time to write to us, anonymously or otherwise, with your suggestions to improve the activities, appreciation for the good work we are doing, as also telling us what is not right in the Club or what changes you would like to see in the Club. 

A quick summary of the action taken on the feedback received so far:
  1. Be it good or bad, feedback about Leaders, is being conveyed to them immediately.  Corrective measures are being initiated wherever necessary.
  2. Immediate action has been taken wherever possible to improve the activities and/ or contain the damage.
  3. We are sure you will agree with us that certain corrective measures cannot be implemented overnight.  However, we assure you that we are on the job - we have either initiated action or in the process of initiating action for long-term activities. The results are likely to take a longer time, due to the magnitude of the work involved in bringing about such a change.  Kindly bear with us.  
  4. A few members, found to be violating the Club's policies - "no litter", "no liquor", to name a few - have been suspended from the club's activities. 
  5. Disciplinary action has been initiated against members found violating club rules.

We would like to hear from you. Please feel free to write to us at [address removed] or  You may furnish your views about a particular meetup in the GHAC EVENT Feedback Form.

Look forward to hearing from you.  Lets make things better!

GHAC Feedback Team

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