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New Meetup: The World of Morning Dewdrops: Photography by Do Sang Guk

From: Adam
Sent on: Monday, August 9, 2010, 4:04 PM
New Meetup! Please consider joining us at the Korean Embassy's KORUS House for this free cultural event.

Full details:

When: Thursday, August 12,[masked]:00 - 8:00 PM

Where: KORUS House, Embassy of the Republic of Korea
2370 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20008

The World of Morning Dewdrops:
An Exhibition of Photographs by Do Sang Guk with Korean Poetry Readings

Korean thought is traditionally informed by a deep reverence for nature and an awareness of how the natural environment can reflect our own lives. The photographic works of Do Sang Guk focus on one of nature?s most ethereal and culturally universal aspects, the dewdrop. His works capture the fleeting existence of pure water droplets that glisten across the natural environment each morning, but perish in the mid-day sun?a reflection on our own mortality and a counter to the negative stresses of everyday life.

The opening reception for this exhibition of more than 50 photographs will also feature nature and dewdrop-themed poetry readings by members of the Korean Poets and Writers Group in the Washington Area. All readings will include English/Korean translations. The exhibition will remain on display through August 26.

RSVP Required (link below)
Free and Open to the Public--Please Forward the Invite!

Please RSVP online at this link:

Or, you can RSVP by phone or email to Adam Wojciechowicz at [address removed] or (202)[masked]. Please include your total number of guests and a contact point.

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