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New Meetup: Phat Crazy Korean New Year Party!!!!

From: Carolyn
Sent on: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 6:02 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Fun Korean Waves: Culture Language ESL Music Food - DC VA MD!

What: Phat Crazy Korean New Year Party!!!!

When: Friday, December 31,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Mandu Restaurant DC
[masked]th St NW
Washington, VA 20009

I know some people may have plans for this LEGENDARY moment of the year or year to come but some of you may be floating in la la land. Unsure of what's going on and what to do. You see all these amazing parties that cost hundreds of dollars and you are starting to think about just spending the New Year at home alone. OR you could be invited to a house party but you are afraid of what kind of days old Christmas left overs they are going to serve you. WHAT TO DO?!?!?!

Well, I decided I would give you another option! The famous DC Korean restaurant MANDU will be hosting a special New Years Eve party starting at 9pm - 3am. For just $75, it's all you can eat Korean food from 9pm - midnight and open bar (all you can drink) from 9pm - 3am! There will be karaoke, games, and more!!

Bonus: I (Carolyn) will not be working but enjoying myself and the festivities! Which means it will be a LOT more fun.

To buy tickets, you can either purchase them at the door (cash only at the door) or buy them in advanced at the restaurant by cash, credit or check.

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