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Last Call to Register! Hallyu Camp: Exploring Korean Pop & Traditional Culture

From: Adam
Sent on: Thursday, August 2, 2012, 1:38 PM

Hi Everyone!

Last call to register for Hallyu Camp at the embassy's Korean Cultural Center next week! Tuition is $200 for individuals and $150 for groups (2+). For a complete course outline and schedule, visit the KCC website at

The Korean Cultural Center Washington DC is pleased to host Hallyu Camp 2012: Exploring Korean Pop & Traditional Culture, a 5-day cultural immersion experience for all fans of Korean pop culture, August 6-10! Young adults and grown-ups welcome!


Hallyu Camp, offered through the embassy's King Sejong Institute Washington DC, is designed to give fans of Korean pop culture in the Washington DC region a deeper understanding of the country, people, and society from which Korean pop culture originates. Participants will experience Korean culture through a variety of cultural workshops, lessons, discussions, and creative projects related to Korean pop and traditional culture, led by professional instructors and cultural specialists. Korean pop culture, including K-pop music, dramas, and movies, has become a global phenomenon in recent years, growing a passionate fan community that spans cultures and languages worldwide. The term hallyu, or Korean Wave, has come to encompass all of these trending genres.


- Learn about the traditional foundation of pop culture
- Learn Korean expressions, etiquette, and customs through popular media
- Korean Hanbok and traditional music workshops
- K-Pop music and dance workshops
- Prepare a meal with a Korean chef
- Understand key Korean social concepts & values
- Learn the basics of Korean language and history
- discuss the future of Hallyu with the KCC DC Director
...and more!

Korean Cultural Center, Embassy of the Republic of Korea
King Sejong Institute Washington DC

August 6 – 10 (Mon – Fri), 9:30 am – 3:30 pm
Study space is available before and after, 9am to 5:30pm.

Korean Cultural Center Washington DC
2370 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington DC 20008

Participants: 15 maximum, age 13+

$200 (individual), $150 (group, 2+) for 5 days / 30 hours

Adam Wojciechowicz | [address removed] | (202)[masked]

How to Register:
Please email Adam (above), providing the name and age of each participant. You will receive a response within one business day. Check our website for registration status, updates, and details at or go directly to


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