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Numbers November 2015 and sneak preview 2016

From: Olga
Sent on: Monday, November 9, 2015, 7:36 PM
Numerology Forecast for November 2015: The Healing Vortex

By Nam Hari Kaur

It has been a tumultuous year on the planet Earth, and there are a few things that we need to get squared away before entering the New Year of 2016.

Sneak Preview: 2016 will bring an element of change and transformation that we have never seen before. This is because the Gift number (last 2 digits of the year) is a 7, and number 7 represents the Water Element.

Water, experienced through the weather and climate change, will become the issue on the planet. This, coupled with the overall number for 2016 being a 9, brings an element of mystery to the table. Nine is the mystery number and represents the unknown or intangible quality of life. There is an aspect to 2016 that no one will be able to figure out, unless you have a relationship with your Subtle Body. I will be sharing more details on how to do this in next month’s forecast, but hey, I just sprinkled enough breadcrumbs on the path that you can find your way.

Now, back to present time and space. The overall number for 2015 is an 8, and the Gift number for this year is a 6 (last 2 digits of the year). Eight is the number of health, vitality, and power. Six is the number of love, sacredness, purity, and vision for the protected path. Last but not least is 11 (November), which represents Divine Alignment.

This month of November holds a very special and specific frequency of Divine Alignment to prepare yourself for next year. Number 11 represents “parallel unisonness” which is a state of being where the God in you, and the Human in you are in alignment. Then you dwell in a creative, conscious, and cozy internal landscape, where your happiness is not dependent on anyone else. Then you are an 11, partnered with the cosmic jet stream.

There is an aspect of relationships to the number 11, and your power will be tested this month.

Specifically in the areas of being bullied or clashing with someone who is an authority figure (or who thinks they are). Holding your ground and not giving into fear is essential (positive 8), however, tactically avoiding the conflict to begin with, is even better (positive 6).

I once witnessed a young man talk his way out of a very expensive ticket, in Beverly Hills, CA. He walked across the street in a section that was outside of the official crosswalk lines. Normally you would think, “Phuff, whatever!” however, not in Beverly Hills, where it is safe for purple Gummi Bears to walk the streets at midnight, with thousands of dollars in their pockets, and arrive safely at their destination.

So, back to the real story. The young man began talking to the officer, and repeatedly said, “You’re right, I am so sorry, and I appreciate you letting me go on this one.” He kept enforcing the idea that the officer was right, as well as stating his gratitude for the officer’s good judgement in letting him go. Guess what, it worked. The officer felt that his authority was acknowledged, so it was acceptable to let the fellow go on this one.

We are in times where it is increasingly essential to know the field. This is the gift of number 6, and you must bring this gift with you into the New Year.

Looking further to the number 11 of November, we are now in a fine-tuning phase in all of our relationships. There are people that we will happily be able to trust and bring closer to us, and others that we may regretfully need to allow some distance from. Don’t get caught up in the illusion of, “But you were supposed to be this way, or that way, for me.” People are who they are, and eventually everyone’s true colors always come out. Read it right, and move on.

Now, back to the healing vortex of November, because the better, brighter you is just around the corner if you want it. The Heart Number now is an 8 (Heart is Month 11 + Gift of 6 = 17 = 8). Most issues of healing have to do with our power being taken away from us. This can be through an unjust childhood, a health concern, or poor choices in adult relationships. Whatever it is, it is time now to release it. There is a meditation that works, “When nothing else works” in the words of Yogi Bhajan: The Last Resort Meditation.

An action has to be taken to undo the wrong you have suffered, and that is what healing is--a self-empowering act. At this time you can align yourself with the highest frequency number, the number 11, so that you no longer fall prey to the illusions that someone casts before you.

A Divine Alignment of self with higher self, or Infinity, is the new order of the day. Then you will no longer feel robbed and beaten by the misfortune of life, and through your projective psyche you may attract the similar frequency souls who will cherish and love you for your original radiant self.

See you soon, and Sat Nam.

Would you like to know more? Nam Hari can do a personal reading for you over the phone or by Skype. The numbers of your birth date hold the answers to your life’s creative magic and inspired potential. Nam Hari specializes in the area of relationships, and by revealing the parallel and diagonal lines of energy between you and another, a new dimension of understanding is achieved. Nam Hari also offers an independent study course in the science of Numerology. Contact: Nam Hari [masked]  or [address removed]




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