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Re: [LondonPhilosophyClub] An invite from Mark Vernon

From: Basia
Sent on: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 7:39 AM
Yes I would be interested, good range of guests

Thanks Basia
On 25 Oct 2010, at 23:11, Filip Matous wrote:

London Philosophers,

Mark Vernon asked me to see if any of you would be interested in the following. Happy to rsvp for those interested.

Let me know and I'll sort. Unsure of how many spots there are.


The Guardian's Cif Belief, in conjunction with St Paul's Cathedral, invites you to a series of discussions about belief and unbelief in an age of uncertainty.

1st November 2010: Joan Bakewell, Salley Vickers and Andrew Brown
13th December 2010: Karen Armstrong and Alan Rusbridger
17th January 2010: Terry Eagleton and Mark Vernon

Each discussion will begin at 6.30pm, and will take place in the Wren Suite of the crypt at St Paul's Cathedral, London. Our hope is to encourage a more sophisticated public discussion about religion between those on the inside and outside of faith.

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