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MetaMeetup and Capital Saving and Raising seminar, August

From: Ben S.
Sent on: Monday, August 15, 2011, 12:27 PM

Dear Members,

Via Matt Younkle at murfie:

You probably already know about the Forward Technology Conference, but there are several other free events you might be interested in attending during the 10-day long Forward Technology Festival that runs from August 18-27. In particular, we're trying to get a group of Web Design & Development Meetup people out to the FTF MetaMeetup on August 23rd at 5:30pm at Sector67. The event is free, plus there will be free food and beverages, but you need to register here to attend.

The other event is AlphaTech Counsel's Capital Saving and Raising seminar on August 22th at the Brink Lounge.  Instead of a dry speaker, this event will feature in-person and online group participation to identify cool techniques, tools, and services that local companies are using to stretch that almighty dollar.  Immediately after the seminar, there's an open mic business pitch event and happy hour.  Free registration is required.

If you'd like more information or to view a full list of Forward Technology Festival events, check out FTF2011.



Ben Seigel
Meetup Organizer

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