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New Meetup: River to River Century

From: Erin K.
Sent on: Monday, March 1, 2010, 3:01 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The NJ Biking, Eating & Drinking Group!

What: River to River Century

When: Saturday, July 24,[masked]:00 AM

Souderton, PA 18964

That's right! NJ Bike is signing up for a century in nearby PA (how nearby depends on where you're coming from!). Mike and I will be posting a century training program in the discussion board area and even scheduling a few regular rides to keep everyone motivated. It'll be our first 100 miles, so beginners to long road rides are more than welcome to participate!

More info to follow, the event site hasn't been updated yet. But you can read the basics here.

You can RSVP maybe right now, if you'd like...I'm leaving this very informal at the moment but once registration is live, you'll need to commit! I'll send the link out once they're accepting entries and narrow it down that way. If you want to participate but can't do a century, they do offer shorter lengths...

**Depending on interest/size of group, we can discuss renting a house near the ride for the weekend (everyone would pitch in, of course) so nobody has to drive hours to get to this ride and obviously, that's just more fun!

Learn more here: