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Community Reiki continues in Fishtown at Space 2033 tomorrow:

From: jess
Sent on: Wednesday, August 7, 2013, 9:37 PM

Hey Philly Reiki Meetup members,

Community Reiki sessions continue to be given at my Fishtown studio on Thursdays at a low $15-25 sliding scale rate.  The appointment times are 4pm, 5:45, and 7:30.  For tomorrow there are still two 4pm spots and one 5:45 spot open at the time of this email. 
Whether or not you have a Facebook account, you should be able to view this link with all of the details:
And here is the studio link:
Community Reiki is a great way to experience a healing reiki session at an affordable rate, and it also allows you to bring someone and receive reiki together, simultaneously. 
If you cannot RSVP via Facebook, the next best way to make an appointment is to text[masked].
I also see private clients for reiki for sliding scale rates starting at $40.

Also email me here if you are interested in reiki classes, and reiki shares, here in Fishtown.

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