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PostgresOpen 2014 PUG Discount Ticket Code

From: Cindy W
Sent on: Tuesday, August 12, 2014, 11:20 PM
Philly Postgres Community,

We continue this major U.S. conference because of the belief in Postgres and the open-source community by supporters like you.

Based on our continued strong sponsorship support, we are pleased to be able to offer our PUGs discounted ticket prices for the conference.

You are welcome to register for the "regular" session using this voucher code 2014PGPUG on the registration page:

Note: each registrant needs a login to complete the process.

In addition, please feel free to share the code with co-workers or others who might be interested in attending.

Also important:

* Tutorials are available for purchase (and some for free!) on Wednesday, Sept. 17, the day before the regular conference.  Tutorials can selected during the registration process.

* Hotel stay should be booked before August 15th,  at the discounted rate embedded in the link from this page:

Please contact the committee with questions.  We are ready to assist you in anyway. ([address removed])

Cindy Wise

Committee Member

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