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Spring Piano Meetup: Friday, 3/22

From: Saurab B.
Sent on: Monday, March 18, 2013, 1:08 PM

Our spring piano meetup is a go and I hope we're all looking forward to another evening of great piano music.


As always, this will be an "open play" session - feel free to play anything you would like, or just come to listen.  Please try to keep prepared repertoire to around the 10-minute-or-less mark out of respect for others as well.


I will try to bring some light snacks and beverages, but it's safe to assume there will not be dinner provided, so if you want to grab something to eat that would be just fine (there's a little sushi joint just downstairs at the corner but not too much else that I can think of).


Looking forward to seeing many of you on Friday evening!



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