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Future Piano Meetups

From: Jonathan Paul C.
Sent on: Friday, February 5, 2010, 5:26 PM
Hey everyone,

We will be changing the venue for our piano meetups, it doesn't appear that enough people can travel to the northwest side. We will try locations within the city that meets the needs of most people. Thanks for your interest in the Chicago Piano Meetup, I will most likely organize the next meetup within a few weeks so keep coming back to for updates! We will also have a more organized format thanks to the great ideas that Dan shared with us on the message boards. For exactly 3 years (we started January of '07), this group has served to educate as well as to entertain and it will continue to do so, successfully.

If you have more ideas for future meetups, feel free to shoot me an email. We will have more masterclasses and performances. Thank you for your support and have a great weekend!

Jonathan Cambry
Organizer for Chicago Piano Meetup

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