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Raw Vegan Source: Clearance Celebration Saturday, October 19

Sent on: Thursday, October 17, 2013, 8:50 AM

Hello Everyone,

Raw Vegan Source is having a clearance sale on Saturday, October 19th!  All the details are below.





Clearance Celebration
On Saturday, October 19, we are having a huge clearance celebration!  Help us usher in autumn as we clear out our discontinued items at the lowest prices we've ever offered.  Most items will be fresh, but other items will reflect an even deeper discount because they are past the "best by" date.

At Raw Vegan Source, we are working hard to make changes that will benefit you, our loyal customers! We are discontinuing many of our existing items, and bringing in more single ingredient items. If you haven't ordered anything from us in a while, come visit us at

In the next few months, you'll also be seeing changes to our online store.  We want to make your shopping experience with us easy and enjoyable.  We think you'll really like what we're working on.

Thank you!
- Kerrie

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