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Winter Riding is here!

From: David
Sent on: Thursday, October 25, 2012, 6:33 PM

Hey everyone,


It's been a great year of riding.  We've shared some great rides through this incredibly long and dry season, but now it's time to get dirty.  I realize many of you feel like mountain biking is a spring/summer sort of activity, but for the truly dedicated riders the fun is just about to start.  Nothing rewards all the hard work you've done during the dry season to improve like riding in the mud and the muck of winter.  Riding in the winter can be a bit of a challenge as there is a fine line between just perfect and total mess (not to mention damage to the trails).  As a general rule of thumb, I stay away from the open and exposed parks and riding locales.  I instead prefer to head to places like Demo, or Skeggs for forest riding, or Fort Ord for awesome packed sand riding.  The dense tree cover of both Demo and Skeggs help to keep the trails damp but not puddled up, plus the soil in those areas is adapted to heavy rain fall and is able to drain really well.


Bike Radar has done a great job with a couple of articles about winter riding with tons of great advice on how to tackle wet and slippery technical trails during the winter.  I would like to thank one of our newest ride orgs for bringing to our attention.  Krista is revved up and ready for some winter riding and all of us at SJ MTB hope you are too.


Make sure to click on the link at the bottom of the page to see more about what to wear, and how to prep your bike.  Also check in with the different discussions going on right now in our group's message board.  We have some really great members that are always willing to led a helping hand or offer up some great advice for those just starting out.

I would also like to take the time to thanks all the great people who have come out to make SJ Mtb what it is today.  We have had one of our best, and most active years, and we could not have done it with out all of you.  This year has seen some awesome milestones for us as well, including reaching over 500 members and receiving our first official group sponsors.  Thank you again to Art's Cyclery of San Luis Obispo and The Sports Basement of Sunnyvale.  I hope to see some more support for our group as we continue to ride and expand.  I also look forward to some more social outings, such as our joint ride coming up this Saturday with SJ Beach Crusin'.  These sorts of events are what make us a special group like no other.  We're not just a bunch of people that like to ride.  We love to ride and love to share our love with others.


Thank you all so much for a great year,

David Butler

Organizer, San Jose Mountain Biking



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