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Re: [writers-743] Meet Up, Say Hi, then Shut Up and Write? Tomorrow Mon. Oct 15th?

From: user 4.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 1:14 PM
so when are you guys doing this again? I want to come!

On 10/16/07, Matt <[address removed]> wrote:
Reverie is at Carl and Cole streets, a few blocks south of upper Haight.


On Oct 16, 2007, at 7:54 AM, Kassandra wrote:

Glad a few people made it, and wish i would have gone.
I'm new to SF - where is Reverie? I really would like to meet up with others to do this; it would definitely give me the impetus I need to shut up and write.

Matt < [address removed]> wrote:
Just joined the group a few minutes ago, but Reverie's right up the street from me, and I love the garden out back. Seems like a decent spot to scribble--weather permitting.



On Oct 16, 2007, at 1:34 AM, anna wrote:

We met up tonight in the Mission - four of us and had some good writing time. It was a shame not to see more faces and pens bu t it was still good. It's certainly a simple, effective and great free idea that definitely needs taking forward. Maybe a more central, easily reached area next time. I'm around in SF for another two weeks or so I would be up for another meet soon. I'm around in the days too. If anyone's interested please let me know. Ruby, if you want to hook up and write more this week - let me know.
All the best
Anna x

On 15/10/2007, Sunset Gem <[address removed] > wrote:
Dear all,

That's too bad. I live in the Inner Sunset and there's no easy way for me to get to the Mission, coupled with the lack of parking and lack of group -- I guess I won't be going either.

Can I interest anyone in Cafe Prague, or Reverie, or Bagdad, or something downtown/Vanness/SOMA?

Best regards,


----- Original Message ----
From: Kassandra < [address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, October 15,[masked]:12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [writers-743] Meet Up, Say Hi, then Shut Up and Write? Tomorrow Mon. Oct 15th?

I live in?Telegraph Hill area. I drove by today (twice) and could not find it. came home and looked?up the Mission Creek Cafe on Yelp, and it's 968 Valencia, not 969 - (never occured to me to look at the *other* side of the street - duh!).
I'd like to come, but i'm not sure i'll make it. In case i do, does anyone know where i could park? it looks like the neighborhood fills up at with cars once everyone gets home from work in the evening.

Sunset Gem <[address removed]> wrote:
Sounds like fun!
I'll shoot for it.
Maybe I can talk you guys into a SOMA or Castro or Cole Valley locale :-)
In writing,

</ FONT>Sunset Stories : San Francisco, the Sierras, and everything in between.

----- Original Message ----
From: MaraLuna < [address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sunday, October 14,[masked]:06:11 PM
Subject: [writers-743] Meet Up, Say Hi, then Shut Up and Write? Tomorrow Mon. Oct 15th?

Hi Writers...

I am a new member.? I just joined.? Look how many people joined in October -- TEN... and NINE joined in the last seven days.? I think that's critical mass.

How about -- I will be at the Mission Creek Cafe 969 Valencia @ 20th St. tomorrow Monday October 15th at 7pm, the regularly scheduled time, and hope other people will show up.? I'll be the plump purple lady with the laptop and a hopeful expression.

According to Ugbar, the organizer, she (he?) has been out of town until today.? Since Mondays are the normal time, I'm just going to show up.? I hope others do too.

As a reward, I will give everyone a quick handwriting analysis afterward.

Come on.? Let's have fun and write.

Marie Sooklaris
aka MaraLuna Solara
aka Myrtle Featherweather

P.S.? I know.? I have a lot of alter egos, but fortunately they're integrated.? We all know we're the same person.

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Angelique Sweetman


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Angelique Sweetman


Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story.
Play Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.

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