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Open Hardware Meetup

Photo of Graham Nelson
Hosted By
Graham N. and Neil L.


What is Open Hardware?
The Open Hardware Meetup is a place where all kinds of people can share an interest in the intersection of hardware, software, connectivity, and user experience. When combined, these elements create a new art which blends the lines of beauty and technology.

Even as computing devices have become more powerful, the underlying technology is now more and more available for everyone. With a few mouse clicks, overnight shipping, and a few hours work, you can build your own versions of ground-breaking products based on simple open platforms like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, Galileo, Edison, and more. Even better, you can create something that has not physically existed. It is the flexibility and power of computing, expressed in physical, tangible form.

Who is it for?
Everyone is welcome, from casual observers to nascent hobbyists to advanced techs. Presentations will range from beginner how tos, to highlighting cool projects from Edmonton and Alberta. There is almost always food before and drinks after. We’re always open to new speakers and topics as requested by our members.

Examples of things we’ve done
-learn to solder,
-basics of arduino,
-automated basketball robots from a local high school team
-projected surfaces and their use in theatre set design,
-magnetic computer displays for the visually impaired

Examples of things we want to do
-lighting, home automation, wearables, drones/navigation, 3D printing, arduino, raspberry Pi, beaglebone and other open hardware platforms.
-build days, similar to hackathon, where a group of people with varying skills create and finish projects
-specialty sub-clusters where people can specialize in wearables, lighting and home automation, maker technology, and drones

We welcome you to Open Hardware Meetup and together we’ll create wow.

Photo of Edmonton Unlimited group
Edmonton Unlimited
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Startup Edmonton HQ
301, 10359 - 104 Street · Edmonton, AB