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What we’re about

Welcome to Transform Your Life! (formerly The Law of Attraction in Action).

The Law of Attraction works! After watching the phenomenal movie “The Secret” I got excited! Suddenly everything I learned about Universal Law, personal development, and spirituality fell into place!

Although I had studied the principles self-improvement, spirituality, and Universal Law (including the law of attraction) for years; finally everything became crystal clear to me about how you and I as human beings, truly have the creative ability to manifest the life of our dreams. This ‘aha!’ moment changed my life forever in mind blowing ways - so I began to share what I learned with my family and my friends. This is how our group got started.

This group is for serious people who want to manifest the life of their dreams. If you are truly truly interested making phenomenal, mind blowing life changes – then this meet up is for you!

Click here for video introduction and testimonials.

Click Here for Frequently Asked Questions about our class.

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