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Partner Yoga & Thai Massage this Saturday ~ Adv rate ends this Friday

From: Trinity
Sent on: Wednesday, June 3, 2015, 1:25 PM

Dear community,

I am super excited for Playful Connections which is happening this Saturday, June 6. I would love to connect and play with you there <3 The Adv rate ends this Friday.

Kyoko Jasper will be facilitating. Kyoko is a super fun and talented facilitator. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn and play with her.

Come solo, with a friend, or your significant other! No experience or partner is necessary. Details are below.

Register by this Friday for the adv rate-

with love & gratitude,Trinity

The Dancing Path™

is excited to present-

Playful Connections ~

A Partner Yoga & Thai Massage Playshop

Facilitated by Kyoko Jasper

Saturday, June 6th

7:15pm - 9:30pm

New York Live Arts

219 W19th Street 3rd Floor(bet 7th & 8th Ave) NYC

NO PARTNER IS NECESSARY! NO EXPERIENCE in Yoga or Thai Massage is necessary! Everyone will be switching partners throughout the evening. If you prefer to stay with the partner you came with the whole evening that is welcomed as well.

Partner Yoga- Kyoko will guide us into fun partner yoga poses that will support us in connecting and stretching our bodies, as well as our movement creativity, communication and relationship skills. All levels are welcomed including those who are new to yoga. Doing yoga with a partner enables us to open our bodies more deeply than we could have alone. Plus it is super connecting & fun!

Thai Massage- We will practice & experience a simple, fun and restorative Thai Massage sequence that will relax, nurture and further open your body. Thai Massage originated in Thailand about 2,500 years ago and was originally practiced in Buddhist Temples. It is practiced with Meta (aka loving kindness & compassionate touch). The recipient remains fully clothed throughout the massage and is guided through a series of stretches and hand compressions that are applied to open and balance the energy meridians of the body. It assists in loosening tight muscles and helps to create more overall peace and balance within the body.

SINGLES, COUPLES and FRIENDS are ALL WELCOME! If you come solo you will not feel out of place. We are a very warm and welcoming community. Who knows you may make a new friend or meet that special someone.

Please bring a yoga mat if you have one. If not, no worries it is not necessary, just helpful.

Advance Registration is recommended!

$30. Advance (register by Fri. June 5th)

$35. Day of (cash at the door)

About Kyoko- Kyoko Jasper (ERYT) was born and raised in Japan, in 1985, she moved to NYC to become an actress and for over two decades, she has been performing in Musical Theatre, TV and Film. After the devastating day of[masked], led by an undeniable calling in her heart, Kyoko went through a dramatic shift which led her passion to a Yogic way of life. Now she is dedicating herself to spread peace and healing all over the world through Yoga and other healing methods. Kyoko travels to Japan and other parts of the world regularly to teach in conferences, retreats, and trains teachers for her 200-hour Yoga Alliance Teacher Training. Kyoko is certified in Dharma Mittra (500 hours), Yoga Tune Up™ AcroYoga™ and Circus Yoga™. Kyoko is known for her fun, creative and loving teaching style. She helps her students to unravel themselves by becoming deeply in touch with their spirit.

About Trinity- Trinity is the creator of the Dancing Path™ a celebratory transformational events organization that offers playful, creative, community building events, workshops and trainings all over NYC. She is passionate about bringing people together to celebrate life, express themselves fully and connect in fun and nurturing ways. One of Trinity’s main passions is to facilitate transformational dance. Her love and uninhibited passion for dance is infectious. Trinity has facilitated transformational dances at the Omega Institute, Princeton University, Jiva Mukti and many other wonderful places. In 2001 she studied Reiki and a few years later became a Reiki master. Shortly after Trinity studied at Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and got certified as a Holistic Health & Nutritional Counselor. During her studies at IIN she discovered Thai Massage and pursued training with Lotus Palm and in Thailand. Trinity is a 200 hour certified Yoga Instructor and has been teaching yoga for 15 years. She has also studied and been trained in Circus Yoga™, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage and Deeksha aka the Oneness Blessing. with

Love & Gratitude,


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