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New Meetup: Johara & Dinah's Professional Dancers' SHISHA PARTY & COSTUME SALE!

From: Johara
Sent on: Saturday, September 11, 2010, 12:45 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for London Belly Dance!

What: Johara & Dinah's Professional Dancers' SHISHA PARTY & COSTUME SALE!

When: Sunday, September 26,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Although fun & glamorous, sometimes it can be lonely life working as a self-employed belly dancer ... maybe you'll work with another dancer at a gig then have to dash off straight away afterwards without the chance to socialise; or maybe you'll spot someone hurrying along the street wearing a gallibaya but with their hair down & lots of makeup, & wonder if she's a belly dancer too. Who can you gossip with about what it's really like to work as a professional dancer? And where can you go to buy & sell costumes?!

So if you're a professional dancer working in London, why not come along to Johara & Dinah's latest professional belly dancers' get together? It will take place on Sunday afternoon (the earliest we can stagger out of bed after a long working Saturday!) at the brand new chic, comfortable & spacious shisha cafe just opened by former Levant chefs Ihab & Mona in Camden Town. They have offered free shisha in their spacious shisha garden!

It will be "open house" from 2pm to 6 or 7pm (depending on what happens; sometimes we party into the evening & the cafe is open till late). Come along any time, order what you want to eat, get drunk, eat cake, smoke shisha, catch up with your belly dancer friends, meet new dancers, try costumes, enjoy!

For details of venue, please email Johara or Dinah. Hope to see you there!

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