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IMBA, TORC and You

From: David H.
Sent on: Thursday, August 9, 2012, 11:53 AM

Hey TORC Meetup members,

It's about that time again.  Time for me to barge into your incoming e-mail and explain, enlighten and 'set the record straight' about TORC's Meetup.

TORC Meetup is not just another random Meetup group found on the intranets.  TORC Meetup is actually a tool used by TORC to expose as many people to TORC and IMBA.  TORC Meetup is free for all members not because of a few leaders in the meetup group donating money like you would see in other self fulfilling Meetup groups.  The Meetup fee is actually paid by active IMBA TORC memberships, TORC's race program and TORC's sponsors.  We felt that using Meetup and paying for the fees as a club versus requiring members to do so would be the best approach to exposing and publicizing IMBA and TORC.

So here we are with a very active and successful Meetup group thanks to active TORC and TORC Meetup members.  TORC (Triangle Off-Road Cyclists is the local chapter for SORBA (Southern Off-Road Bicycle Association) and SORBA is the regional association for IMBA (International Mountain Bicycling Association).

TORC, and therefore TORC's Meetup, is more than just a web based source for people to get together, ride and socialize.  TORC advocates for finding trail to build, building trail and maintening\protecting the trail that we do have.  TORC is a non-profit bicycling club that organizes and hosts a race program, activities that range from yearly mountain bike festivals (Fat Tire Festival), supports international events such as 'Take a Kid Mountain Biking' and 'National Trail's Day' down to and including simple picnics.  TORC has relationships with many of our local counties, parks and private land managers.  We of course organize and support bike rides through the rides committee and trail building\maintenance day with the trail committee.  TORC does many more behind the scene activities and responsibilities.

The main point is that TORC and TORC Meetup has a mission, has duties and has responsibilities.  It may appear that we have lots of people contributing to all that the club does but in reality there is a small group of very busy and very over loaded individuals.  I know we all work, have families and have busy lives; however I would like to personally invite all of you to take some available time and see how you can help TORC club responsibilities as well as advocate to Find, Build and Maintain our existing and future trails.

We have a lot of tasks that we currently struggle with and need help.

Matt Jenkins is our TORC club president, Trina Cook is our TORC Club vice president and myself (David Houskeeper) am the TORC Meetup Organizer, rides and trail chair.  Please contact any of us for questions and volunteering.

Please consider how you can be more than just a user of our trails and club resources and join us to maintain and do more.

Please consider an IMBA membership.  A portion of your yearly membership fee goes to the international effort to Find, Build and Maintain mountain bike trails and a small portion goes to our local TORC club to advocate locally.



David H.

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