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SPARK Animation 2014 Kicks Off Wednesday!

From: Marina
Sent on: Monday, October 20, 2014, 11:08 AM

Hi everyone,

Just a note that Wednesday, Oct. 22nd marks the start of the 6th annual SPARK Animation Festival at the Vancity Theatre. The event kicks off with the Western Canadian Premiere of Ocar hopeful "Khalil Gibran's The Prophet." The opening night screening is currently RUSH tickets only but the film screens again on Friday, Oct. 24.

In addition to great features and the Studio Gibli documentary "In the Kingdom of Dreams and Madness," the festival also includes a wide assortment of animated short programs including "Mothers of a Medium," a special program on Thursday night which features projects by female directors.

We also have a very special "top secret" screening of a new short which we can't announce just yet though I've seen a trailer and can tell you it'll knock your socks off so you'll want to be there on Saturday night for the "Late Night Snacks" program to check it out!

I'll be around throughout the festival and I hope to see some of you there as well. If you see me, be sure to say hello! If we haven't met yet, just look for the crazy eyed woman introducing the movies. I promise - I don't bite!

Hope to see you there!

Marina Antunes

Meetup Organizer & SPARK Animation Festival Director

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