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RE: [vocalists-151] Two Way Street's 40th - and you!

From: user 6.
Sent on: Thursday, October 14, 2010, 8:37 AM
I'll be attending the event and I'd certainly be interested in partaking.
Dean Milano
[address removed]

From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of John Ludwig
Sent: Thursday, October 14,[masked]:36 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [vocalists-151] Two Way Street's 40th - and you!

Hi Collective,
Very cool opp has come our way that we will be a part of. The CSC will be leading the singer/songwriter song circle on Saturday afternoon and we can have a booth similiar to what we do at Fox Valley.  Two Way Street is a legendary part of the local folk music scene and it's a great honor to be part of their celebration.  We don't have all the details at this time, but get back if you'd like to be part of the it.  I definitely recommend staying for the concert too.
The Two Way Street Coffee House in Downers Grove will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary on Saturday afternoon and evening, November 6, 2010. We’d like CSC to be a part of this celebration! Can you please communicate this to the CSC folks and see if the organization would like to participate? Perhaps they could lead our singer-songwriter circle?
We’re celebrating not only 40 years of weekly shows at the Two Way Street, but our participation in the larger Chicago-area music community, of which we are both a part. Thus, we hope to showcase the whole “folk” community, and need your help.
We’re planning an afternoon (probably 2:00 until 6:30pm) of community participation activities throughout our building, including numerous (acoustic) jam sessions (e.g., old time, bluegrass, Irish/Celtic, peace & justice, etc.), a sing-around, singer-songwriter circle, an old time barn dance, open mike, a performer CD and merchandise boutique, fast food sales and more!
And then in the evening at 7:30, we’ll present an all-star concert (in the church auditorium) featuring artists Mark Dvorak, Small Potatoes, Patchouli, and Kat Eggleston & Kate MacLeod. (Note: Rich Warren and WFMT-FM 98.7 will be on-site and will broadcast portions of this concert live!)
How can you participate? At a minimum, we’d like you to set up a display in our high-traffic Info Expo showcasing what you do in our music community. (We’ll provide tables for displays.) This area will be open to our guests all afternoon and evening.
In addition, we’ll offer you the opportunity to take over one of our many rooms during the afternoon (for an hour or more, as space and time allow) to hold a concert/jam/song circle/workshop or whatever you like! Let your imagination run wild! You can advertize your business, activities, concerts, etc. Your organization’s name will be on the room and in the program for that time slot.
In order to defray our expenses, we’ll be asking an admission donation, but, we’ll be keeping it inexpensive in keeping with the Two Way Street’s tradition! (Probably $5 for the afternoon, $10 for the evening concert, with a discounted combined all-day ticket).

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To learn more about John Ludwig, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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