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Re: [vocalists-151] New Open Mic - Official - PREMIER! (Take 2)

From: Daryl D.
Sent on: Friday, February 26, 2010, 9:29 AM

Daryl W. Dennis, Sr.

--- On Thu, 2/25/10, Sophie <[address removed]> wrote:

From: Sophie <[address removed]>
Subject: Re: [vocalists-151] New Open Mic - Official - PREMIER! (Take 2)
To: [address removed]
Date: Thursday, February 25, 2010, 10:39 PM

Very Interesting Lori - seriously.  I don't want to promote more discussion because the emails are too many!  But I'm glad to know there is something if I should ever perform again. Presently, I've had no voice for 4 weeks & been very sick - can't even talk. I got over the fear of 'business' speaking - when I realized that I don't respect most people. I used to be way too trusting & realized everyone is not as nice or ethical as I, so now I don't give much of a crap in the business setting - even tho I am business like. But I had early traumatic events with 'artistic' performing that caused some lifelong issues with creative performing. Nice to know that there is a potential medical assist for the infrequent times I might perform. It's not a drug "habit". Thanks. (P.S. the link between bio-chemistry & human behavior always fascinated me - but I shan't illicit more emails, thank you.)

--- [address removed] wrote:

From: Lori <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [vocalists-151] New Open Mic - Official - PREMIER! (Take 2)
Date: Tue, 23 Feb[masked]:31:59 -0500

For some people, the fear of public speaking and stage fright has nothing to do with practice or preparation.  It's about physiology.  Not everyone's sympathetic nervous system is, well, sympathetic and open to soothing input.  I asked my doctor to prescribe beta blockers for my dissertation defense because I knew it would be impossible to defend my work competently if my sympathetic nervous system was allowed to run the show.  The pill did its job, allowing me to do mine, and I made it through the scariest hour and half of my academic career without forgetting my name even once. 
If talking to yourself and thinking happy thoughts works for you, then rock on.  For those of us who need a bit of extra help, I'm glad to know it's there. (if you have insurance or can afford the visit to the physician and the prescription on your own.)
in peace and music,

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 8:03 AM, Bob Mayton <[address removed]> wrote:
Here's an idea.  Let's promote taking drugs to improve confidence as opposed to practice and supportive exposure to the stage experience.  NOT!  Please don't give or take advice on medications so lightly.  Even inderal (an excellent medication when used appropriately and as prescribed by a doctor after a complete medical history has been taken) has the potential for serious negative side effects. 
Get up on stage and know that you will be welcomed by a society of musical performers and music lovers, many of whom are or were just as nervous as you are.  And when you are done playing, accept the cheering and clapping knowing that it is sincere and well deserved.  And then do it again and again and again.  The potential side effects of this are laughter, smiling, adoration, fun and confidence, and are usually well tolerated when use in accordance with label instructions.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Hartman" <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Friday, February 19,[masked]:35:48 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Re: [vocalists-151] New Open Mic - Official - PREMIER! (Take 2)

No, that was the IV anesthetic "propofol"  Totally different.  Propranolol is inderal, a beta blocker that blocks adrenalin uptake. It has no chemical similarity with what killed Michael Jackson.


On Feb 18, 2010, at 4:25 PM, Daryl Dennis wrote:

I don't even like taking tylenol.

Daryl W. Dennis, Sr.

--- On Thu, 2/18/10, Sophie <[address removed]> wrote:

Are you serious?  I thought that was the drug that helped to kill Michael Jackson. Isn't that a very heavy sedating drug?  If there IS something to help with stage fright, I'd like to know what it is.  Thanks.

--- [address removed] wrote:

From: David Hartman <[address removed]>

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