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It's time to slim down for summer.

From: David
Sent on: Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 11:28 AM

Hey there everyone,

I just wanted to take a moment to invite you all to join my wife and I on our DietBet.  As many of you may know, I have been trying to lose weight for a while now.  Recently my wife and I had a child, which has slowed down my progress some.  While we're adjusting to this new life I haven't completely gotten back on track with everything.  In an effort to help us both get back on track with our weight loss and fitness goals my wife found this site. has a pretty cool concept that we're hoping will get us jump started again.  You basically get a bunch of people, that are interested in losing weight, and have everyone put into a pool.  Then at the end of 4 weeks, everyone that makes the 4% weight loss goal wins a portion of the pool.  Of course if everyone makes the goal then you just get your money back.  Our game is starting this coming Monday and weigh-ins will need to be submitted this weekend sometime.  I hope some of you will take the time to check it out and join us for our first game.  If all goes well we may just keep it going until we're at our final goals.


For more information on our game and how the whole thing works check out the link below...


Thank You,

David Butler


San Jose Mountain Biking

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