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New Meetup: Fairuz Fest

From: Faiza
Sent on: Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 3:42 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for "Yalla Arabi!": East Bay Arabic Language Learning!

What: Fairuz Fest

When: December 5,[masked]:00 PM

Bayt Rachelle
3109 Harrison St.
Oakland, CA 94611

Music time!
We will listen to and translate 3 Fairuz songs with the help of one of our seasoned Yalla Arabi Arabic speakers, who happens to be a lovely Englishman! (without a British-Arabic accent.. tho he can do one!)

1-Zahrat Al Maden (Flower of All Cities)-will translate in Fus-Ha
2- Al Quds AlghateeA (The Old Jerusalem)-will translate in Lebanese/Aamiyah
3-Talloo Ahbabnah (Our Friends/Loved Ones Are Checking On Us/Are Coming)-will translate in Lebanese/Aamiyah

Casual potluck.

Happy All Holidays to Everyone. We won't be meeting again until January after this meeting due to the "holi-daze" and holy days. Give thanks.Enjoy...and see you in the New Year!

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