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Movie night TOMMORROW

From: Faiza
Sent on: Thursday, January 21, 2010, 1:35 PM
Our fellow member Khalid Alomari has sent this invite for posting to our members:

i'd like to invite our members to a movie night. Feel
free to bring some snacks or food to share, we have a brand new
DVD player and a projector, great people and snacks.. all the
makings for a fun movie night! Be sure to spread the word.

Synopsys: Abu Laila, a former judge, is forced by the economy
to become a taxi driver. On his daughter's birthday, his wife
insists he be at home early and bring her a present and a cake.
But the challenges of daily life in Palestine change his plans.
Abu Laila?s trials throughout the day reveal the complicated,
yet universally human, situation in Palestine, and the
unstoppable spirit of its people.

Suggested donation: $4 for members, $6 for non-members.

Feel free to bring snacks to share.

Host: Arab American Cultural Center of the Silicon Valley
Type: Party - Movie/TV Night
Film:Laila's Birthday
Date: Friday, January 22, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Location: Arab American Cultural Center of the Silicon Valley
Street: 3952 Twilight Drive (Building 2)
City/Town: San Jose, CA

to get more info, pls check the link[masked]&ref=mf

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