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Thanks, and see you soon!

From: Jeff Tairen 泰 蓮
Sent on: Sunday, June 29, 2014, 9:07 PM

I wanted to send out a special thank you to all my friends and family. Many of you have contributed financially and given great emotional support for my upcoming Zen Leadership Training Retreat. I will be leaving tomorrow, morning Monday June 30 at 3:30am, and I will be back on Friday July 25. To see this vision fulfilled has been a big step for me, and I could not have done it without all of your help.

I won't be online, or available by phone most of my retreat. But I will be remembering each of you in my thoughts and prayers everyday. We will be observing a monastic retreat schedule most of the time, with some great teaching on Zen leadership and Sangha dynamics. I look forward to sharing with all of you when I get back. A special thanks to those who will be running Pasa Dharma Zen Group while I am gone. Thanks to all of you for your support, friendship, and encouragement.

With deep bows of gratitude,

Jeff Albrizze

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