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What we’re about


The 23b Shop is a hackerspace in Fullerton, CA. Our interests include computers and networking, electronics and microcontrollers, automation, machining, welding, metal casting, automotive, leatherwork, and jewelry.

We sometimes make the shop available to non-keyholders to work on projects. Post a description on the shop mailing list to see if a keyholder would like to help with your project.

A regular fixture in the shop is the Purgatory Bin.

The Purgatory Bin, or Purge for short, is for items you no longer need or want, and cannot bring yourself to get rid of. Candidates are equipment, parts, tools, and materials. Working or otherwise.

Sometimes the Purgatory Bin offers you fine electronics, working gear and computers from all years; honest, good gear lost to its prior owners, but awaiting a new start in your life.

Some days it's got cables, funny metal bits, odd scraps of cloth, hardware, software, books, working gears and parts, engines, or other weird things of all descriptions.

Best practice regarding the Purgatory Bin is, IF YOU WANT IT GRAB IT.

Our History

The 23b Shop itself was founded in 2006, but we have been getting together for over 20 years now.

The 23b Shop came into being after we found ourselves spending the majority of our spare time in home garages working on electronics, robots, cars, welding, and other projects. We were always over at each other's place to use equipment or tools we didn't have. And some of us didn't have garages. Something had to be done.

We put together a plan, pooled our resources, tools and machinery, then spent a few months looking for a site that was both good and affordable. The result was the 23b Shop, located near downtown Fullerton.

Donating to 23b Shop
Donations of working or broken equipment and supplies are highly prized and appreciated.