What we’re about
The 5Rhythms™ is a simple movement practice designed to release the dancer that lives in every physical body regardless of shape, size, age, or experience. While the practice itself is simple, it has the power to catalyze deep healing and creative expression.
The primary teaching of this work is: If you put your psyche in motion, it will heal itself.
The five rhythms are Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical, and Stillness. They come together to create a wave. There are no steps to follow. Each rhythm has a different energy and tempo in which we tap into the wisdom of our bodies, bring awareness to the patterns in ourselves and our lives, and find our own individual expression.
Virtual Classes Via ZoomWhile Syzygy Dance Project is unable to dance locally with participants face-to-face during the ever-changing environment surrounding COVID-19, we are able to offer our weekly 5Rhythms™ dance class virtually.
In Sylvie Minot’s Wednesday dance class, you will be led on a journey of self-discovery as participants come together in community. The class is made up of two waves. The first wave is your time to arrive, let go of your day and settle into your body. During the second wave, we dance more deeply and explore a specific theme.
The last Wednesday of each month follows the theme Sweat Your Prayers™ with minimal guidance.
When the class meets in-person in Sausalito, each month around the full moon, we dance accompanied by live drums.
Beginners are always welcome. No dance experience needed--just the willingness to move where the music takes you.