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Event: “Asian American Holiday Bash - A Winter Charity Event" San Francisco, 12/7 7-11pm

From: Chris C.
Sent on: Monday, November 21, 2011, 2:11 PM


Discount Code: MANDARIN


TAP and NAAAP present “Asian American Holiday Bash - A Winter Charity Event" 

You are invited to an evening of celebrating the holidays, fund-raising, and rocking the night in concert! 

We are excited to feature a special performance by “Blush”, an all-girl Asian American pop group from Far West TV. They’ve collaborated with Snoop Dog and opened for Justin Bieber. "Blush" will perform "Undivided", their #3 hit on the US Billboard dance charts.

Complimentary Hors d'oeuvres will be served!!! 

Proceeds from the event will provide Christmas gifts for the children of OASES, the Oakland Asian Students Educational Services. Every $20 in proceeds buys a Christmas present for an underprivileged child for the holidays.

Cocktail attire encouraged ~ Business casual welcome.

Early Bird Ticket prices start at $20 for members of TAP or NAAAP. Buy your Early Bird tickets now at $20and save 66% off the Regular Ticket Price ($60)! 

Early discounts will be available only until November 30th! Ticket prices are going up on December 1! Discounts are available for groups (5+) and new members!

Buy your tickets or donate at:

About TAP
Taiwanese American Professionals (TAP) enhances the Taiwanese American community by networking individuals interested in professional and career development, while emphasizing the preservation of Taiwanese American identity. TAP provides resources and programs that inspire and empower; develop and support professionals to become community-oriented leaders. TAP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization through its parent organization, Taiwanese American Citizens League.


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