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Re: [ghosts-597] Stepping down.

From: Pam K.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 4:55 PM
You've done a fabulous job!  Thanks for all your time, passion and effort.  It was a huge job.
We will be interviewing for some tech and evp folks in the next few weeks for our paranormal investigation group (Bay Area Paranomal Society).  Please let me know if you are interested.  We investigate when asked in order to help those who feel they have something going on and to learn and understand.  We don't investigate where we don't have permission. 
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Kae <[address removed]>

I'm leaving meetup to anyone that wants to take over. I can no longer meet the requirments as organizer and wish that someone with enthusiasam will take over. If no one does this group will be deleted, not by me, but by

I apologize for this announcement and it was great working with all of you.


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