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New Meetup: Road Bike Ride - Mt. Tam - Alpine Lake - Olema - Stinson B. (70miles)

From: Ivan L.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 11:10 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Cycling!

What: Road Bike Ride - Mt. Tam - Alpine Lake - Olema - Stinson B. (70miles)

When: Saturday, May 22,[masked]:00 AM

Bike Path and Sycamore Ave.
400 Sycamore Ave
Mill Valley, CA 94941

this will be the first training ride of a series, here is the route

we will start the day climbing Mt. Tam all the way to the top, quick rest and ride down towards Alpine Lake, climb again towards Fairfax, then we'll ride on Sir Francis Drake all the way to Olema, then south on highway 1 to Stinson Beach up again to pantoll station and back to where we started
total ride will be around 70 miles with ~7000ft of climbing.
this is a not supported ride so bring enough to drink and to eat, we will stop for lunch and refill water when necessary
this is not a begginer's ride

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