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New Meetup: Downieville - South Yuba Mt. Biking / Camping Trip

From: Ivan L.
Sent on: Monday, October 27, 2008, 10:33 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Cycling (Mountain & Road)!

What: Downieville - South Yuba Mt. Biking / Camping Trip

When: November 15,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: 2 days camping trip to the sierra for amazing Mt. bike rides

Downieville they will shuttle us to the top and then 15 mile downhill 4000' descent. it doesn't get any better than this pure fan.

South Yuba Loop (Nevada City)
let's do some cross country 22 miles ride

Intermediate skills for both rides
do one or both days
camping is to be determined
I would like to know how many people is interested in the camping and/or Downieville so I can make reservations.
if you haven't been to these places these are "Mt. Bike Paradise"
please post any questions you may have about this ride

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