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New Meetup: Road Bike Ride - Mt. Diablo

From: Ivan L.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 9:56 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Cycling (Mountain & Road)!

What: Road Bike Ride - Mt. Diablo

When: February 8,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Let's meet at the Walnut Creek Bart Station, we'll ride on the Contra Costa Canal trail until we get to Mt. Diablo North gate. Once past the north entrance to the park, one rides a series of mild rollers until about mile 3. From this point, the grade averages approximately 6% to the junction. It is 7 miles from the park entrance to the junction. Summit Road takes over from this point, carrying the cyclist, albeit more steeply, a further 4.5 miles to the summit parking lot. total elevation is about 3,500ft.
we'll go down the south gate and ride toward Danville and back to the BART station
total ride is about 40miles.
if you don't want to go all the way to the top, you can rest/stop at the junction/ranger station on mile 7 (2,000ft. elev) it is still an epic ride

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