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RE: [psychology-68] New Event: Pop Psychology Party!!! Shake that Mind Thang... Body Movement and Personality

From: user 3.
Sent on: Sunday, January 13, 2008, 3:37 PM

Sounds good. Chris I wanted to go to the one yesterday and Found out that it ended within an hour.

I came in from one group and was ready to go and called over there and they said it would be over in an hour.



From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of leo kohn
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 3:22 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [psychology-68] New Event: Pop Psychology Party!!! Shake that Mind Thang... Body Movement and Personality


Not bad old man.

chris d kaufman <[address removed]> wrote:

Announcing a new event for BionicPulse: The Los Angeles Cognitive Health Group!

What: Pop Psychology Party!!! Shake that Mind Thang... Body Movement and Personality

When: Thursday, February 7, 7:00 PM

Where: (A location for this event hasn't been chosen yet)

Who should come: For persons who want to get loose and funky!

Why: Make new friends and find new body positions

Event Description: Pop Psych Party!!!

Each month we get together and talk about our minds, our consciousness, and our feelings. But what about our body? Does our body have a say about who we are and how we feel?

(Body Specialists, Physical Therapists, Please add your input!!!)

Do we have a body center? Does everyone have a different body center ? If we change our body center can we change our feelings?

Movement, balance, pace, gesture are all external physiological characteristics that change the way we act. But do they change the way we fee? We will all partake in some body experiments.

We will do five fun exercises.

Breathing Dragon: how we breath and practice breath can change our voice, our body, and our tempo of communication. Short shallow breath versus medium to deep inhalation...

Body Center: Is your center your hips, your chest, your feet? We will each walk around changing our body centers and see how it changes our feelings and the feelings of what others perceive about us.

Sync: Lucy did it with Harpo Marx, but what does mirroring somebodies exact movements do? Stand face to face. Person one leads and person two follows every movement as if they were the mirror image of that person. Then after 2-3 minutes switch places and the leader becomes the follower. See what if any thing changes between you... Couples? This is amazing little trick to stop bickering!!!

Advanced Body Alterations: (Takes Extreme Concentration)

Its Okay: This one is fun but very subtle. It takes two people. Sitting or standing, two people look at each other. The only words they may speak is "It's Okay".... Before you start the group writes your three biggest fears on a piece of paper. The idea is to communicate a story between each other with only the words "It's Okay"... If the two get stuck, the Facilitator gives one of the notes to one of the persons who didn't write it. And explains that fear has materialized... Comfort, warn, accuse, but without saying anything but "It's Okay"

Finally, a classic Strassbergian acting exercise, If you dare attempt it!!! Blending animal movements with human movements to alter how we appear. This one requires some homework. You are required to watch an animal, your cat, dog, pet monkey, tiger at the zoo... You just need to concentrate on that animal for hours!!!.... Then subtly incorporate that animal into your movements.. See if anyone can guess the animal... Barking at the postman or licking your hand NOT allowed.

Stay TUned... Looking for a open outdoor/ indoor venue with bar... Could be a house... Have a couple in mind will be central to West Hollywood area. Please any ideas or offers will be taken in consideration...

More Details SOON...This will be a fun Pop Psych party to play some games, have a cocktail, and socialize... So Sign up@!!!

Learn more here:

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