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Fireburn video...Got to check this out.... from English Alison

From: user 9.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 1:02 AM

Hey Folks,? Finally!.. The 5 minute Fireburn video is at last done!
Check it out, pass on the link to everyone you know and be sure to save the emergency number in your cell phones. Best wishes, Alison

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jane Clements <[address removed]>
Date: Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 11:45 AM
Subject: Fire Burn Video Public Service Announcement
To: Alison McDermott <[address removed]>


Here is the link to the amazing Fire Burn video.

For example, on May 26, 2009, Richard C., a mechanic in Kansas, burned his hands?grasping red-HOT metal in a house fire. VERY painful. On the way to the?hospital, the pain went away. No grafting, no infection.?Second-degree wounds healed in record time.?His doctor was amazed.

Please forward this Fire Burn?video link to?everyone, especially people in the military, anyone in high risk of burns, people suffering or dying and people in Iraq, India, Africa, South America, USA...? everywhere.? The more people who know, the more burn victims can be helped, the faster the?results?can come in. And be sure to save the phone number in your own cell phones in case you or someone you know is burned by fire.

Thank you very much.
Jane Clements?? [address removed]

Fire Burn Public Service Announcement Video Link:

1-818-DEAN-HIL [masked])
save this number on your cell phones in case of fire burn... then call immediately

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