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Now accepting contributions for Los Angeles Brain & Consciousness Group

From: Karl S.
Sent on: Sunday, February 1, 2015, 10:08 PM

Hi Brain & Consciousness Members,

As most of you know, a lot goes into making a Meetup great, and some of that greatness requires cash. There's a new feature on Meetup that makes it easy for everyone in our group to chip in and help cover our costs. It is now possible for you to use a credit or debit card to contribute on our Meetup group page, or right from this link - All contributions are handled with the top-notch online security provided by

Thanks to your contributions we are able to bring you quality Meetups and build new extra-Meetup features like our Facebook Brain & Consciousness Group for the latest B&C news and discussion (, and our Brain & Consciousness Bookstore for scholarly B&C works (  We will continue to build out these and other new resources on a continuing basis for your education, enlightenment, and enjoyment (the Three E's of our mission to you).  Please let us know if there are any special features not already existing somewhere that you would like to see us add for your benefit.

Contributions aren't required, of course, but any support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping us build this great stimulating community of over 1500 members and growing!

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