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New Meetup: Biochemical Payoffs From Destructive Habits and Negative Emotional States

From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, March 29, 2010, 1:12 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Los Angeles Brain & Consciousness Group!

What: Biochemical Payoffs From Destructive Habits and Negative Emotional States.
The Answer Model offers a solution.

When: Saturday, April 24,[masked]:00 PM

Biofeedback Institute of Los Angeles
6542 Hayes Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90048

John Montgomery, a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, will discuss The Answer Model, which suggests that the brain receives unconscious biochemical rewards from destructive habits ? such as chronic procrastination, worry, and self-sabotage; and negative emotional states ? such as chronic anger, hurt, regret, and self-pity. Neuroscientists have found that stress hormones released during these states have effects in the brain that are almost identical to the effects of addictive drugs like cocaine or methamphetamine. The Answer Model proposes that nearly all of us develop literal biochemical addictions to various distressing emotional and behavioral patterns. The model also presents a powerful curative method that involves no medication, but instead shows people how they can overcome their core ?emotional? addictions and derive biochemical payoffs in healthy, rather than self-destructive, ways.

The model also involves a therapeutic system that has been shown to be extraordinarily effective in treating a wide variety of psychological and physical ills, including anxiety disorders, chronic depression, chronic pain, body dysmorphic disorder, sex addiction, and drug addiction. The Answer Model is licensed by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences to provide continuing education for Marriage and Family Therapists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers (PCE #4505).

Dr. Montgomery received his Ph.D. in neuroscience from Caltech in Pasadena, California, and his B.A. in molecular genetics from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. Some of his articles on science, primarily about the interface between psychology and neuroscience, were published in the Washington Post and The Economist. He is the primary author of their two books, "The Answer Model Theory" and "The Answer Model: A new path to healing". In co-developing The Answer Model with Todd Ritchey, an addiction specialist, Dr. Montgomery's aim has been to synthesize cutting-edge neuroscience, evolutionary biology, psychology and spirituality into a unified framework that addresses all psychological health and dysfunction. He is also a counselor, and performs interventions and rehabilitation treatment using The Answer Model method.

Dr. Montgomery will also be available to sign their new book just out from publication, "The Answer Model: A new path to healing". This book will show you how the most powerful biological force operating in the cells of your brain and body ? the drive towards psychological and physical balance, or homeostasis ? can lead you not only to optimal physical and emotional health, but also to the highest spiritual experiences.

All of the Answer Model publications will be available for purchase.

For more details, including specifics on the neuroscience behind their theory, visit their website at:

2:00 Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
2:30 Dr. Montgomery presents
3:15 Question and Answer
3:45 Break
4:00 Dr. Montgomery presents
4:30 Q&A and discussion
5:15 Close
6:00 Optional Dinner with Dr. Montgomery
We have reservations at 6pm for those who are interested in joining us for dinner with Dr. Montgomery. We will be walking 4 short blocks to the restaurant, and the food is very good.

The King and I Siamese Cafe ($-$$)
272 South La Cienaga Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Also, weekend parking is openly available for this otherwise residential permit parking area. With our attendance, you might end up needing to walk a block or two. The Institute is a beige somewhat spanish style residence with terra cotta tiled roofing and a blue ADD van in the driveway. It is right on the triangle intersection where three streets meet: Gregory Way, Schumacher Drive, and Hayes Drive.

Please indicate if you intend to come to dinner so we can count you in the reservations.

Many people will see the value in attending this lecture. Please be considerate of others, and rsvp with mindfulness, allowing others to attend if you do not, or if you change your mind. Thank you.

Looking forward to seeing you at this informative and enlightening event!

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