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Things you should go to! Short and Sweet!

From: Jake F.
Sent on: Thursday, May 9, 2013, 2:37 PM

Hi Everybody!

Here are some things that happening this and next week!


Caffeine Corridor tomorrow! Rich's Party Saturday! Infuse on Sunday! The Uptown PEN on Tuesday! Kevin's Tanka Party next Saturday! Also, a promising poetry reading next next Friday the 24th at 9 the Gallery! (Locations and times at

Why should you go?

  1. Great way to get your work out there and start building a platform in your community! Publishers love platforms! Now you can tell you them you have one!
  2. They're not critique groups, they're not competitions, and people will clap for you regardless of the quality of your work! I don't know if that makes you feel any better or less nervous about it, but that's how they work, it's true!
  3. Fun and easy way to support your fellow authors and the literary community!
  4. It's something to do!
  5. You'll see and hear things!
  6. Some of them (coughTheUptownPen) have beverages!
  7. Some of them (coughTheUptownPen) are also hosted by me! If I'm this much fun in e-mail, where I can rigorously control and craft my image, imagine how much fun I'll be in person, where I can't, in front a microphone! I don't even know how to use one of those things! I don't think the Pen even has a microphone!
  8. The Pen doesn't have a Microphone!
  9. Also, Rich's party is a party! A real party!

Any questions? Send me an e-mail!

Anything you want to do with groups? Send us an e-mail!

Any feedback?




Hahaha, just kidding. About the size of the font, not giving us feedback, which we're really into. Also, join the Facebook Group.




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