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What we’re about

Our group is designed to share experiences as well as provide support and acceptance to everyone on their journey to recovery.   We offer 2 different locations in the Denver Metro Area. 
Common topics we discuss and share:

• Local and national practitioners who members have found helpful

• Various types of treatment and healing protocols used for lyme and tick borne illnesses

• Emotional and spiritual support

• How to cope with relationships and feeling isolated and alone

• Guest speakers - local lyme literate practitioners who speak on a specific topics like: natural treatment, detoxification, methylation, CIRS/Mold Illness, rife treatment, nutrition, gut healing, acupuncture, therapy/counseling, etc. 

We have open "networking" time at the beginning of each meeting as well as "group sharing" on a topic each month chosen by our members. We also have a private Facebook Page to ask questions, share experiences, and help support one another between meetings. 

We are open to new ideas to make the group serve the diverse and growing needs of this frustrating disease. 

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