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From: Dan
Sent on: Thursday, October 15, 2015, 5:59 PM



We’ve already seen several excellent films this month and we’re just getting started! Coming up on Monday, Derek is hosting an event to see that rare horror/thriller with mainstream appeal – CRIMSON PEAK! Academy award nominated director Guillermo del Toro’s directs this gothic-romance-horror film described by critics as “a beautifully horrifying experience” and by horror master Stephen King as “gorgeous and just f***ing terrifying!”

And on Tuesday, our Third Tuesday $1+ Movie will feature encore presentation of JURASSIC WORLD! In case you missed it the first time or want a double-dose of larger-than-life dinosaur fun, this is one worth watching! Terry and the group will be trying out a new restaurant after the show this month, Alegria’s Seafood and Mexican Grill!  Confirmed details for both of these events can be found below!

Also, make sure you don’t miss signing up for our event to see the highly-anticipated, top-rated and likely-award-nominated BRIDGE OF SPIES, starring Tom Hanks and directed by Stephen Spielberg! And later this month, it’s our Halloween special to see PARANORMAL ACTIVITY: GHOST DIMENSION! Here are all the details:




CRIMSON PEAK on IMAX on Monday, October 19th at AMC Easton!

  • Details have been confirmed for Guillermo del Tor’s gothic/romance/horror film that is premiering to rave reviews and perfect for the Halloween season: CRIMSON PEAK!
  • PLAN: Purchase your ticket for the 7:45pm showing and meet Derek in front of the Fossil store between 7:15 and 7:30pm! This one is reported to be visually spectacular, so we’ll be seeing it on IMAX – ticket prices are $13.29 adults / $11.79 seniors. Afterwards, be sure to join us for some post-movie food and drinks at a nearby restaurant!
  • DESCRIPTION: An aspiring author trying to escape the ghosts of her past winds up in a house that breathes, bleeds...and remembers. When her heart is stolen by a seductive stranger, she is swept away to a house atop a mountain of blood-red clay: a place filled with secrets that will haunt her forever. Between desire and darkness, between mystery and madness, lies the truth behind Crimson Peak. From the imagination of director Guillermo del Toro, the film stars Tom Hiddleston, Jessica Chastain, Charlie Hunnam and Mia Wasikowska.
  • EARLY BUZZ: Early buzz is good with critics calling it “gorgeous,” “crazy creepy;” and “elegant, beautiful and scary!” Jessica Chastain, in particular, is being called “mesmerizing” in this “visual gothic masterpiece!”
  • LINK: For complete details or to join Derek at this event, click here:

THIRD TUESDAY $1+ MOVIE: JURASSIC WORLD at Carriage Place on Tuesday, October 20th!

  • Movie title & showtime confirmed! Join us this month as we get together to see the blockbuster hit of the summer: JURASSIC WORLD!
  • PLAN: Purchase your ticket for the 6:45pm showing and meet Terry inside the theater lobby between 6:25 and 6:35pm! Ticket prices are just a buck and a quarter! We’ll get out a little early this time (around 9pm) so be sure to join us after the show as we try out a new restaurant: Alegria’s Seafood and Mexican Grill!
  • DESCRIPTION: Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park, Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. After 10 years of operation and visitor rates declining, in order to fulfill a corporate mandate, a new attraction is created to re-spark visitor's interest, which backfires horribly. Jurassic World starts Chris Pratt, Judy Greer, Vincent D’Onofrio and Bryce Dallas Howard.
  • For complete details or to join Terry at this event, click here:


BRIDGE OF SPIES on Sunday, Oct 25th at Cinemark Gahanna!

  • Join us next weekend as we get together to see Tom Hanks star in the Steven Spielberg-directed dramatic thriller based on real-life events, BRIDGE OF SPIES!
  • DESCRIPTION: A Brooklyn lawyer is thrust into the center of the Cold War when he is asked to negotiate the release of a pilot whose U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. Out of his element and over his head, he must negotiate this tricky release reviewers are already calling a top-notch suspenseful thriller! The film is directed by Steven Spielberg and features a script by the Coen brothers. Bridge of Spies stars Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance, Amy Ryan and Alan Alda!
  • BUZZ: Several critics have this one on their “Oscar Watch” list and early reviews have been fantastic! The film is currently earning a 91% on Rotten Tomatoes and is being called riveting, masterful, smart, and one of the best films of the year!
  • PLAN: We’ll plan to see a Sunday afternoon showing of Bridge of Spies followed by dinner and drinks at a nearby restaurant! Complete details will be confirmed and announced as the date gets closer!
  • LINK: For complete details or to join Dan at this event, click here:


  • Join us this week as we get together for the sixth installment in the horror-thriller series: PARANORMAL ACTIVITY: THE GHOST DIMENSION!
  • DESCRIPTION: Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension follows the supernatural occurrences that take place in a family’s new home in Palo Alto, California. Once there, a tape is discovered showing two young girls being taught supernatural abilities by their grandmother. Despite the video being filmed 20 years ago, the girl breaks the fourth wall and the family's young daughter is targeted! The film stars Chris J. Murray, Brit Shaw and returning to complete the series, Katie Featherston.
  • PLAN: We'll plan to see a 7pm(ish) showing followed by conversation, food and drinks at a nearby restaurant! Complete details will be confirmed and announced as the date gets closer.
  • LINK: For complete details or to join Derek at this event, click here:

Take care and look forward to seeing you soon!


P.S.  There's still time to join us tonight for the foreign/horror film GOODNIGHT MOMMY at the Gateway Film Center!  For complete details or to sign up to join Derek at this event, click here: