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Bath City Private Coach Trip on Saturday 7th November‏

From: Martyn L.
Sent on: Saturday, October 3, 2015, 5:16 PM

Hi Day-Trippers,

We're just emailing everyone to inform you all that tomorrow evening (Sunday) we'll be scheduling another private coach trip. This will be a repeat trip to the beautiful City of Bath.

Bath is a very strong candidate for the most picturesque city in England - respected travel writers and visiting tourists will confirm this time and time again. It's an absolute 'Must-See' UK destination.

The trip will take place on Saturday 7th November. We'll be traveling to Bath by a privately-hired executive coach booked just for our meetup group. We have a detailed itinerary for the day - including a 90 minute professional guided walk.

Our past day trips to Bath have all received excellent reviews and ratings - all averaging a maximum of 5 stars. Please 'click here' to read the reviews of one of our previous trips to Bath.

With this message we have attached a number of beautiful photographs of Bath. All these photographs were taken on our previous trips to Bath. You will automatically receive an event notification email when the full details are posted as a meetup tomorrow at 7:00 pm.

We hope you can make it :-)

Kind Regards


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